I was tempted to write this article in the style of a letter to an old friend, ripping off Hunter S Thompson as I go, then I was reminded of that news story of Russia training Norwegian dolphins to be spies and I laughed myself into a reverie for a grand old lady and before I knew it, I was standing on the banks of the River Severn feeding a small if hungry collection of ducks, purchasing some mint toffees from the “Old Fashioned Sweet Shop” in my favourite toy town in all the world before lingering on the banks of the river in my spiritual home in the best seat in the house, and I couldn’t stop singing “Linger” by The Cranberries.
Jeremy was on fine form inside his tiny sweet filled paradise and flirtatious Samantha absent from the chip shop next door, which was a shame as I had plenty of ammunition for our regular football chats and banter that quickly, because of Sam’s wonderful nature, always descends quickly into the sexual gutter. “I kiss a cockerel every bedtime” she ended our last conversation on Sunday and with more than a playful glint in her eye. Sam never changes and never will. We need more Sam’s in the world.
The same of course can be said for my spiritual home of Ironbridge.
Here follows my favourite self-titled “Toy Town” in all the world, and the quiet after the bank holiday storm. But first, can I strongly recommend the Youtube clip below?
The Cranberries - NPR Music "Tiny Desk Concert" - Youtube
0–3.20 — “Linger”
3.21–7.38 — “Tomorrow”
7.39–11.35 — “Ode to my Family”
12.15–16.00 — “Zombie”
16.16 — End — “Raining in my Heart”
My goodness. Magnificent, isn’t it?
Dolores O’Riordan (1971–2018)
The obvious admission is that I’m not a fan of The Cranberries and only because I’m a silly myopic fan of Radiohead and with a little Beatles, Pink Floyd, Stone Roses, Editors (and a cast of other musical thousands) I have all the music I need. I’ve always LOVED “Zombie” but my goodness this version does something to me.
I’m off in search of some other music from The Cranberries and I hope you enjoy the pictorial stroll that follows.

Thanks for reading. I hope this message in a bottle in The Matrix finds you well, prospering and the right way up in an upside down world.