“All the dream stealers
Are lying in wait
But if you wanna be a spaceman
It’s still not too late”
(lyrics courtesy of Noel Gallagher)
Well, everyone else is jumping aboard the Oasis bandwagon so why shouldn’t I? I bet the children of The Matrix never walked into a nightclub on a Tuesday night in the mid 1990’s and danced to “Shakermaker” though!
Wanna shake along with me?
“So what do you think to the state of the world, Steve?” (Jeremy, the genial owner of the Old Fashioned Sweet Shop calls me Steve, along with the rest of the world, despite my 4 decade’s long fruitless attempt to be called Stephen, in deference to the grand old lady who brought me into this strange, strange world) “Well” I replied, a fear washing over me of what weird mixture of vaguely sensible words would now tumble, akin to a rock on its descent from a steep mountain, from an over-active mind to a mouth that often fails to keep up, “shall we start with the so called Politicians in the American wing of the Evil Empire signing their names on bombs that will continue to destroy the lives of countless fellow human beings or how about we stay closer to home and the dead eyed freaks here who believe they’re going to capture carbon and save us in a fight against a mother earth who doesn’t need saving?” Luckily I didn’t add at this juncture the thought that now escapes my tiny mind as I pen these words: Isn’t it remarkable how these entities, who can barely pass for human, are so deeply religious men and women of faith? Are they saying that God made a mistake? Are they in fact now playing God themselves?
Could more than 47% of them pass a Turing Test?
There I go again, posing rhetorical questions and ugly truths masked in a real life conversation as I ambled along the high street of a toy town with a Welsh Englishman, a pug dog named “Bear” and a quarter of delicious Lemon Bon Bon’s. I could embellish the remainder of our conversation but who needs lies such as these when they come free to air whenever you turn on your television? You don’t need them here too. So I departed from my friend for a walk I’ll never tire of, the warm feeling only the feeding of ducks and swans can induce, and my lemon flavoured sweets disappeared in league with the last of the rays of the sun as I sat upon “Beth’s Bench” staring wistfully towards a grand old lady and the keeper of my secrets.
I may have gone a little overboard in the chip shop too.
Who knows?

Thanks for reading. For more half baked ideas, hare-brained schemes and other silly shenanigans, here’s one I prepared earlier:
Thanks for reading. I hope this message in a bottle in The Matrix finds you well, prospering, and the right way up in an upside down world.