This brief sunshine filled article is dedicated to the first love of my life and without whose musical guidance I wouldn’t have developed an appreciation for the late 1970’s and early 1980’s supreme music from London band “Squeeze”. Although I’ve used their track “Up The Junction” for obvious reasons, their track “Labelled With Love” will live with me forever, as will the memories of two opposites attracting for a couple of summers in the mid 1990’s and the singing of this song to one another for shits and giggles, larks and laughs, and all labelled with love.
“Drinks to remember
I, me and myself, winds up the clock and knocks dust from the shelf
Home is a love that I miss very much
The past has been bottled and labelled with love”
For “V”.

Thanks for reading. I hope this message in a bottle in The Matrix finds you well, prospering, and the right way up in an upside down world.