Having written previously and at some length on my love for independent fanzines and my connection and indeed collection of any and all publications on the Mighty Reds of Liverpool, here’s a brief synopsis and catch-all to bring you up to date:
Since its inception (as well as the equally brilliant if sadly now defunct “Through the Wind and Rain”) I used to avidly collect “Red All Over The Land” (commonly known as RAOTL) as well as subscribing for many years and then, after submitting an article at the beginning of 2022, I have now featured in nearly every issue since and have somewhat taken over and staked a semi-permanent claim to their column “Yesterday’s Papers”. From the mid 1990’s and reading a weather beaten, squashed and folded up rag of a magazine on the train home from the match through to a collection now kept in pristine condition in a box in a Harry Potter style cupboard under the stairs through to now: a ridiculously proud regular contributor whose written words are held in the hands of fellow fans of the Liverpool faith.
I’m childishly proud whenever I feature, and I am today too.
Here’s both my original article and the transfer from The Matrix into the real life of an independent fanzine or fan magazine.
That’s it! Thanks for reading. I often lament that despite my hundreds of articles here I rarely if ever make contact with genuine Liverpool fans so, if that is you, please say a hearty hello and, whilst you’re here, can I interest you in these spectacularly good self-published books on the Mighty Reds?
"A final word from The Boss" - link to Amazon
"Chasing the Impossible and a Sword of Damocles" - link to Amazon
Thanks for reading. I hope this message in a bottle in The Matrix finds you well, prospering, and the right way up in an upside down world.